GHE server version: 2.19.2
Github Webhooks
Setup fail Case
Enterprise - settings - Hooks (not working)
Success Case
Set each Organization
Github token
Create token
Create a personal token for Jenkins (I used a system account for this job)
I selected all-access, it's the stage test case.
I'll select releated repos access for the production case.
I'll use this key for Jenkins.
Set jenkins credential
Use token for Jenkins credential.
Install Plugin
Github Plugin
GitHub Plugin - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
Github Plugin This plugin integrates Jenkins with Github projects.The plugin currently has three major functionalities: Create hyperlinks between your Jenkins projects and GitHubTrigger a job when you push to the repository by groking HTTP POSTs from post-
Set jenkins Github server
Set URL & credential.
Build Triggers for Jenkins job
Set Post-build Actions for Jenkins job
I use default except 'Status result'.
Setup Result
After PR & Merge, run jenkins and set build status.
Build Success
Build Failure
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